सीधे मुख्य सामग्री पर जाएं

Pro Rata Allotment Forfeiture and Reissue Questions



        CLASS - 12TH 

Question-1.  Alpha limited invited applications for issuing 75000 equity shares of ₹10  each. The amount was payable as follows:-

On application- ₹4 per share 

On First call- ₹3 per share 

On second and final call- balance 

Applications for 1,00,000 shares were received. Shares were allotted to all the applicants on pro rata basis and excess money received with applications was transferred towards sums due on first call. Vibha who was allotted 750 shares faild to pay the first call. Her shares were immediately forfeited. Afterwards the second call was made . The amount due on call we as also received except on 1,000 shares, applied by Monika. Her shares were also forfeited. All the forfeited shares were reissued to Mohit for ₹9000 at fully paid-up.

Pass necessary Journal entries in the books of Alpha limited for the above transactions.

( Answer-.  Capital Reserve:- ₹3,250)

Pro Rata Allotment Forfeiture and Reissue Questions in 2020

Question-2.   Tata limited having an authorised capital of ₹20,00,000 in share of ₹100 each invited application for 10,000 shares payable as:-

On application- ₹20 per share 

On allotment- ₹30 per share 

On First call- ₹25 per share 

On second and final call - ₹25 per share 

The company received applications for 12,000 shares applications for 10,000 shares were accepted full and the money on the application rejected was returned.

All money due as stated above was received with the exception of the second call and final call on 250 shares. These shares were forfeited and half of these shares were reissued as fully paid-up at ₹90 per share .

Pass necessary Journal entries and show how the share capital account will stand in the balance sheet .

( Answer-. Capital Reserve:- ₹8,125; Balance sheet Total:- ₹10,05,000).

 Question-3.  H Limited issued a prospectus inviting applications for 20,000 shares of ₹10 each at a premium of ₹2 per share payable as follows:-

On application-. ₹2 per share 

On Allotment ( including premium) -. ₹5 per share 

On First call- ₹3 per share 

On second and final call - ₹2 per share 

Applications were received for 30,000 shares and pro rata allotment was made on the applications for 24,000 shares. Money overpaid on applications was adjusted against amount due on Allotment.

Ramesh to whom  400 shares were allotted failed to pay the allotment money and on his subsequent failure to pay the first call his share were forfeited. Mohan the holder of 600 shares, failed to pay two calls and his shares were forfeited after the second call.

Of the shares forfeited, 800 shares were sold to krishan credited as fully paid-up for ₹9 per share, the whole of Ramesh's shares being included.

Pass journal entries and prepare Balance sheet.

( Answer- Capital Reserve:- ₹2,160; Balance sheet Total:- ₹2,40,360)

Question-4.  Radha Mohan Limited invited application for issuing 4,00,000 equity shares of ₹50 each. The amount was payable as follows:-

On application- ₹15per share 

On Allotment- ₹25 per share 

On First and Final call- ₹10 per share 

Applications for 6,00,000 shares were received and pro rata  allotment was made to all the applicants on following basis:- 

Application for 4,00,000 shares were allotted 3,00,000 shares

Application for 2,00,000 shares were allotted 1,00,000 shares 

It was decided that excess amount on application will be adjusted towards sums due on allotment and surplus if any will be refunded. Vibhuti who was allotted 6,000 shares out of the group applying for 4,00,000 shares did not pay the allotment money and his shares were forfeited immediately. Afterwards these forfeited shares were reissued at ₹30 Per shares  fully paid up. Letter on, first and final call was made. Shahid who had applied for 2,000 shares out of the group of applying for 2,000,00 shares fail to pay first and final call and his shares were also forfeited. These shares were afterwards reissued at ₹60 per share fully paid-up.

Pass necessary journal entries in the books of Radha Mohan Limited for the above transactions.

( Answer- Capital Reserve:- ₹40,000)

Question-5.   Dogra Limited an authorised capital of ₹1,00,00,000 divided into equity shares of ₹100 each. The company offered 84,000 shares to the public at premium.

The amount was payable as follows:- 

On application- ₹30 per share 

On allotment- ₹40 per share 

On first and final call- ₹50 per share 

Applications were received for 80,000 shares. All sums were duly received ekexcept the following:

Lakhan, a holder of 200 shares did not pay allotment and call money.

Paras, a holder of 400 shares didi not pay call money .

The company forfeited the shares of Lakhan and Paras. Subsequently, the forfeited shares were issued for ₹80 per share as fully paid-up. Show the entries for the above transactions in the cash book and journal of the company.

( Answer- Capital Reserve:- ₹14,000; Balance of Cash Book:- ₹96,10,000)

Question-6.   Jeevan Dhara Ltd. Invited applications for issuing 1,20,000 equity shares of ₹10 each at a premium of ₹2 per share. The amount was payable as follows:

On application - ₹2 per share 

On allotment - ₹5 per share ( including premium)

On First and final call- Balance 

Applications for 1,50,000 shares were received. Shares were allotted to all the applicants on pro rata basis. Excess money received on applications adjusted towards sums due on Allotment. All calls were made. Manu who had applied for 3,000 shares failed to pay the amount due on allotment and first and final call. Madhur who was allotted 2,400 shares failed to pay the first and final call. Shares of both Manu and Madhur were forfeited. The forfeited shares were reissued at ₹9 per share as fully paid-up.

Pass necessary Journal entries for the above transactions in the books of Jeevan Dhara Ltd.

( Answer-. Capital Reserve:- ₹13,200)

Question-7.  D Ltd. Offered to the public 20,000 equity shares of ₹10 each payable ₹4 on application, ₹2 on allotment, ₹2 on first call and the balance on final call. Applications totalled for 35,000 shares. Applications for 10,000 shares were rejected. Those totalling 15,000 shares were allotted 10,000 shares and the remaining applications were accepted in full. Excess application money was utilised towards the money due on allotment. Both the calls were made. One shareholder holding 500 shares failed to pay the two calls and as a consequence his shares were forfeited. 200 of these shares were reissued as fully paid-up for as ₹6 per share. 

Record the above in the company's Journal and cash book and prepare the balance sheet.

( Answer- Capital Reserve:- ₹400).


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

Samta Ansh kise kehte hai - समता अंश किसे कहते हैं

समता अंश:-  समता अंश से अभिप्राय उन अंशों से है जो वार्षिक लाभांश के भुगतान व समापन के समय पूंजी की वापसी में किसी  तरह की पहल का अधिकार नहीं रखते। जो पूंजी अंशो को निर्गमित करके एकत्रित की जाती है उसे अंश पूंजी कहते हैं।  प्रत्येक कंपनी के पार्षद सीमानियम में अंश निर्गमित करके प्राप्त की जाने वाली पूंजी की अधिकतम राशि की जानकारी दी जाती है जिसे हम रजिस्टर्ड पूंजी के नाम से जानते हैं। कंपनी की जो रजिस्टर्ड पूंजी होती है उसको छोटी- छोटी इकाइयों में बांट दिया जाता है। रजिस्टर्ड पूंजी कि यही छोटी इकाइयों को हम अंश कहते हैं। समता अंश को निर्गमित करके एकत्रित की गई पूंजी को समता अंश पूंजी कहते हैं। इसके बिना हम किसी भी कंपनी की कल्पना नहीं कर सकते हैं। कंपनी जिन भी निवेशकों को समता अंश  जारी करती है उन सभी निवेशकों को समता अंशधारी कहते हैं। समता अंशधारी ही किसी भी कंपनी के वास्तविक स्वामी होते हैं। समता अंशो के लाभ:-  समता अंश के माध्यम से विनियोजको एवं कंपनी दोनों को ही लाभ प्राप्त होते हैं जो कि निम्नलिखित हैं:- समता अंश द्वारा विनियोजको  को लाभ:-  प्...

वैश्वीकरण के आर्थिक प्रभावों को समझाइए

वैश्वीकरण बहुआयामी प्रक्रिया है, जिसमें हम अपने निर्णय के दुनिया की एक क्षेत्र में कार्यान्वित करते हैं, जो दुनिया के दूरवर्ती क्षेत्र में व्यक्तियों के व्यवहार के निर्धारण में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं। स्मरणीय बिंदु:- एक अवधारणा के रूप में वैश्वीकरण का बुनियादी तत्व 'प्रवाह'   है। प्रवाह कई प्रकार के होते हैं जैसे- वस्तुओं, पूंजी, श्रम और विचारों का विश्व के एक हिस्से से दूसरे अन्य हिस्से में मुक्त प्रवाह। वैश्वीकरण को भूमंडलीकरण भी कहते हैं और यह एक बहुआयामी अवधारणा है। यह ना तो केवल आर्थिक परिघटना है और ना ही सिर्फ सांस्कृतिक या राजनीतिक परिघटना। वैश्वीकरण के कारण:-  उन्नत प्रौद्योगिकी एवं विश्वव्यापी पारंपरिक जुड़ाव जिस कारण आज विश्व एक वैश्विक ग्राम बन गया है। टेलीग्राफ, टेलीफोन, माइक्रोचिप, इंटरनेट एवं अन्य सूचना तकनीकी साधनों ने विश्व के विभिन्न भागों के बीच संचार की क्रांति कर दिखाई है। पर्यावरण की वैश्विक समस्याओं जैसे- सुनामी, जलवायु परिवर्तन, वैश्विक ताप वृद्धि से निपटने हेतु अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सहयोग। वैश्वीकरण की विशेषताएं:- पूंजी, श्रम, वस्तु एवं विचारों का गतिश...

थोक व्यापार क्या होता है व्यावसायिक अध्ययन में

" थोक व्यापार उत्पादको एवं फुटकर व्यापारियों की दूरी को समाप्त करता है। " थोक व्यापार का अर्थ:- थोक व्यापार से अभिप्राय एक ऐसे व्यापार से जिसके अंतर्गत वस्तुओं अथवा सेवाओं को बड़ी मात्रा में उत्पादको से क्रय करके फुटकर क्रेताओं को थोड़ी-थोड़ी मात्रा में बेचा जाता है। इसी व्यापार को करने वाले व्यापारियों को हम थोक व्यापारी कहते हैं। थोक व्यापारी मुख्यत: एक ही प्रकार की वस्तु में व्यापार करते हैं। थोक व्यापार की विशेषताएं:- थोक व्यापारी वस्तुओं को बड़ी मात्रा में खरीदता है। वह कुछ विशेष वस्तुओं में ही व्यापार करता है। वह वस्तुओं को फुटकर व्यापारियों को बेचता है। वह प्राय: क्रय नगद और विक्रय उधार करता है। वह उत्पादक अथवा निर्माता व फुटकर व्यापारी के मध्य संबंध स्थापित करने के लिए इस कड़ी के रूप में कार्य करता है। वस्तुओं के वितरण के लिए थोक व्यापारियों के पास बहुत से एजेंट तथा दलाल होते हैं। थोक व्यापार के लिए अपेक्षाकृत अधिक पूंजी की आवश्यकता होती है। थोक व्यापारी वस्तुओं का विक्रय बढ़ाने के लिए विज्ञापन के आधुनिक तरीकों को अपनाते हैं। वह अपने माल का स्टॉप दुकान में ना रख कर...